Thursday, November 16, 2006

Bailey, Blue is the new red & Troy

1. I had the pleasure of "Bailey Sitting" for 11 days while his parents were in South Africa. I miss him.

2. HELLO DEMOCRATS! I am so fucking happy about the democratic victory. I have actually been in a better, more optimistic mood in the last week. Riddle me this batman... George was shocked about his party's upset, right? Every week on CNN they report on the presidents approval rating. It has been a very low number for quite sometime. Perhaps the white house needs cable TV?!? That way these crazy elections, when the American people essentially say you suck and vote your party out of offices, won't blind side you. YES, the white house needs cable TV.

3. Apparently, Troy has moved here. This was attempted before but, upon his return to San Francisco he realized he belonged there and not here.

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