Monday, May 06, 2013

Ruth Libby Chaikin

First off, thank you to whoever took this photo, it is incredibly perfect. It has been exactly one week since Ruth passed away. She was very ill, but somehow it's still an absolute shock. I actually have to say the words out loud to myself to make it real.

The first thing she ever said to me, back in the summer of 2004 when we were all moving into Emerson Plaza, was "are you a Buffy* fan." I thought, what the hell is a Buffy? She schooled me. She tried very hard, but I would never budge on the "Buffy" issue. I mean, really,  it's vampires and shit. What became from living two doors down from her was a tumultuous relationship.

She was, very simply, one of the coolest people I ever met. She was opinionated and open minded. She was sharp but kind. She was boisterous yet made the sweetest music. She was a fantastic democrat, and an even better liberal. She had a quick nerdy wit, and she always had an answer.

I cannot overstate the importance she was to the Emerson Plaza. She was the bonding agent. She knew most every one's story. She was very interested in her neighbors. This surely came in handy when I would say, "So-in-so moved in to so-and-where." Ruth would reply "Oh, that's so-and-so from so-and-where and they do this-and-that."

I have told this to so many people, but not only is it true but many others can corroborate; every time I went anywhere with Ruth, she would run into people she knew. I mean every time. She was so absurdly friendly, that she made friends everywhere she went. She truly was a great conversationalist.

When I think of her all I can picture is her fantastically voluptuousness and that long, incredibly thick, salt and pepper hair. Of course, I also picture her in a sweater.

Ruth, I am glad that I met you. I am glad that I knew you. I am glad that I learned from you. I am glad you were always right. Oh and to answer your question, yes Ruth, I am a Buffy fan!

* Buffy: The Vampire Slayer


grlwndrU2 said...

A very nice tribute indeed, my friend!

Zadar65 said...

Oh my goodness- I can't believe it either. People our age are not supposed to be gone so soon. Ruth was such a positive, intelligent, kindhearted, funny person. I'm so sad she lost her battle. You all knew her better and longer than I did and I'm truly sorry your hearts are hurting. Sending love and hugs to all of her other friends and family who are grieving at her passing. Love- Tish