Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Departing India

One man down. Amy awoke with Delhi Belly. She said it was extremely unpleasant. She rested. The rest of us took in a yoga lesson on the roof of Homestay. The instructor was as authentic as it gets. This was the first time I have done yoga. It was a pleasant experience. It helped us feel relaxed and prepared us for the challenges that lay ahead.

Breakfast, again, with Harish and prepared by his wife. We sat and chatted with him for some two hours after breakfast. The rest of the morning was reserved for relaxing and packing. At 1:00pm we headed to the airport for our flight to Delhi. The flight was exactly like the flight in. It was full and the flight attendants were young and gorgeous.

We arrived at Delhi Airport's domestic terminal and had to take transportation to the International terminal. This is when the fun began. In order to enter the terminal you must provide proof that you hold an airline ticket. Unfortunately for two of us, me and Alex, the information was stored on our phones in our email. This should not have been a problem, but one could not access wi-fi outside the terminal building. There was a small desk with Internet access in the visitors lounge, but the Internet "went down." Here we were, stuck outside. Everything we needed to access the building was inside. We could not get inside because we didn't have the information required for entrance. After an hour of back and forth we discovered that one of the airport entrances had all the flight manifests. All we needed was to find our name on the list and presto. This was no problem for Alex. I was, or I thought, listed for a Cathy Pacific flight to Hong Kong. When I was handed the Cathy manifest I was not on it. SHIT! Another hour of brain storming and back and forth. Eventually I called AT&T and request an International data plan. After dicking around I was on the finally online and listed myself for the United flight to Newark. This got me in the door. I was now able to check-in with Cathy and see why I was not listed. After some back and forth between the Cathy and United agents I was handed a boarding pass with a seat to Hong Kong. This experience of trying to get in the front door of the airport was the lowest point in the tirp. It did teach me a lesson, however, to always have printed itineraries with you.

At 1:30am I departed for Hong Kong.

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