Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Ann Elizabeth Cunnien

December 31, 1921 ~ September 28, 2008


Last week I was called home. My dad called me and told me I should travel back to Minnesota because my grandma Ann's health was fading fast. Saturday morning I flew back to the Twin Cities. I was hopeful that I would be able to speak with grandma, but by the time I arrived she was heavily medicated. Between my parents, brother, aunts and uncle we stayed with grandma in shifts. I relieved my brother Sunday morning at 1am and stayed until 7am when my uncle Pete took over. My dad, uncle Pete and aunt Diana were at my grandmas bedside when she passed away at 9am. I cannot express the honor I feel to have stayed with my grandma on her last night on Earth.

Pictured above is my grandma and grandpa William on their wedding day. I never met my grandpa. They met during WWII while my grandpa was in England. My grandma was from Wantage, England.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Dear Pat,
I want you to know that as you and I sat and talked over coffee that weekend and I was struggling to deal with the reality that we were going to lose your Granma, I took heart when I realized you are part of a generation in which Granma lives on. That thought just came to me as I sat there talking with you, and that lifted my heart. So thank you for that and thanks to your dad for suggesting we go have coffee! Remember, because of all the good memories her family has of your Granma, we'll never really lose her. Love, Auntie Liz