Sunday, April 20, 2008

Happy Passover

This information comes thanks from Ruth. I asked what sorts of foods would be served at Passover dinner. She mentioned brisket, matzo ball soup and kugel. However, apparently, it is not traditional to serve kugel with Passover dinner. I couldn't help myself. I had to google kugel (say it.) Ruth explained that kugel simply means casserole, but since I’m from Minnesota I am confined to calling it hot dish.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I was right - I checked with my sister and it IS a casserole. You can definetly make it for passover IF you use matza meal instead of other things - like noodles. My sis made a KILLER apple kugel that I had last night. mmmmmm. kugel. But I am also correct in that - since you are a white boy from Minnesota - you must call it hot dish.