Saturday, April 05, 2008

Airline Graveyard

This has been a rough week for the airline industry. Count them
1.. 2.. 3.. 4.. airlines have gone under in 1 week. This is some scary shit!

Aloha Airlines 1946-2008

This is by far the saddest airline shut down in recent history. Aloha flew for 62 years. I never flew on Aloha. There is a great last trip report found here... Made me shed a tear.

American Trans Air 1973-2008

Champion Air 1987-2008

This closure is a bit of a surprise, but Hello! 727 + year 2008 gas prices ≠ profits. United used to ground handle some of Champions spring break Mexican flights out of Minneapolis. I have fond memories of seat assignment stickers used for boarding passes. I thought is was so old fashioned, but nobody ever got the same seat. Ahhhhh memories of 727 loads of drunk UofM kids going to Cancun.

Skybus 2004-2008

This one is hot off the presses. Skybus, from what I have read and heard, was terrible. I wish UA would buy their fleet. They need some more airplanes.

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