Tuesday, July 11, 2006

has the blog novelty worn off?

Could this be the reason I haven't updated my blog in a while? I am really very lazy but, according to the book Affluenza it's OK to be lazy, after all Thoreau was essentially lazy and look at what a successful poetic figure he was.

I had a really lovely dinner with Julie O. last night. After attempting a parking spot that rivals the type of tight ass you look for during a one night stand we opted against the newly opened Steuben’s. The menu looks pretty darn standard but the interior looks less then inferior. We then went for the gold standard, Watercourse, but those fucking liberal hippy vegans aren't open on Monday's. hmmm What would Thoreau think of this. Kudos to them I say. Mead street station was the "third time is a charm." I thought the food was standard bland but, I did order off the "healthy wraps" menu so it was quite ok.

After debating the health effects of clove cigarettes we decided to get some and see for ourselves if they really are that harmful. They are. It feels like a civil war (war of northern aggression for you southern types) calvary stampeded across my throat in the night. We got some coffee from Paris on the Platte and strolled to see Michael Frazier at his new loft.

FYI, Little Raven Vineyards is a really great wine shop with a really great owner named Karen Saenz. She helped coach me through a selection of red that would not react with my newly self diagnosed tannin allergy. She was awesome.

Michael Frazier’s new pad is amazing. Lofts like his give me hope for Denver. It was an old bank. The floors, ceilings and walls are all laid concrete. It makes me want to sell this shit in Washington Park and gitty up downtown.

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