Saturday, February 11, 2006

dorothy, stop the room from spinning!

It's always interesting to see the things people come up with to do when they are broke. I am broke. It's quite eerie how much money I haven't been spending lately. I need to employ this sort of thriftiness when I am not as broke. I always feel like the whole world is out partying the weekends that I find myself too broke to enjoy the splendors of weekend life. This past weekend was no exception. I received several beckoning calls to join various Friday and Saturday night gala's, but I was so unable. It seems that when I have adequate cash to fund a weekend night out I don't receive half as many invites.

Friday night, as the world was squeaking into their dancing jeans and donning their tight t-shirts, I was on my way to Mancini's for quick cocktail or two. Once I arrived, we took a quick vote, and opted for season 3 of Sex in the City and Vodka soda with a slash of orange juice. Four episodes and two very tall ones later I took my exit. Laying in bed that night, I couldn’t help notice that the goddamned room was spinning. I hate that feeling, I really do.

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