Thursday, October 06, 2005

what's new?

I hate that question but, I find myself asking it all the time. Does anyone answer this question with honesty? I know I don't! Do people really care about what is new in my life and, do I care what's new in theirs? It's such a heinous pleasantry. I vote it be stricken from the books immediately! NO, wait! even better! I want everyone for the next week to just be honest and really tell me what’s new. Let's just say you were to ask me "What’s new?" I would respond like this, "Well, I have two new pairs of shoes and, I cooked bone-in chicken breasts for the first time." Now, does that sound interesting to you? Cause that’s what I got people. I am going to start answering this question honestly. You all watch, I dare you! Ask me "What's new? I may tell you!

p.s. Kaiya and I just got tickets for both nights (Dec. 9 & 10) to see Dave Matthews Band at Madison Square Garden! Now that’s what’s new!

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